Category Archives: family

fun in the mountains

  I love going up to the mountains in the summer time, especially when the wild flowers are blooming.    The scenery is so beautiful, it’s almost like you can’t take a bad shot!  Of course a beautiful family just makes it better. I have had many session where the parents think their kids are…

  • Beautiful session! Definitely going to wow them especially if they were worried about the kiddos!ReplyCancel

  • Jackie Barr

    Ok, I’m thinking mountain sessions are my favorite. You are amazing Idie Atencio!!ReplyCancel

  • Love these images! The mountains are beautiful and those kids are adorable!ReplyCancel

new baby

  I am always honored when new parents invite me into their homes to photograph their new babies.  We might have a cup of coffee together, talking about lack of sleep, how to console the new baby, or feeding schedules.  During our visit, I take some pictures. I didn’t know these two before they were…

  • Omg. How sweet! I love lifestyle newborn sessions and these are great!ReplyCancel

  • Lonny

    So real, so pure, these make me melt! Gorgeous sessionReplyCancel


  Today I am thankful: that my computer works- even if it is still not working perfectly (two hard drives failed during a very busy time for me!) that my kids are enjoying the new school year for a sunny forecast this weekend (it’s been the rainiest August!) I’m excited to share more pictures of…

  • Lonny

    I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!!!!! You captured such a real moment of true love with their new babe, priceless!

    1. Thankful for our beautiful baby girls, their health, smarts, and beautiful hearts
    2. For good friends who care
    3. And wine on rough days


  • Megan

    I think this is one of my favorite pics ever of yours! Love everything about it. Can’t wait to see more from that shoot! xoReplyCancel

new niece

  Meet my new niece.  These photos are already three months old (!), so she is looking a lot more grown up now.  Better late than never, right? With her little pinky sticking out, I think she is ready for tea.She is a tiny baby in Dad’s arms.  We thought his wedding ring would be…

  • lonny

    these are beautiful! cant’ wait for your next post!! keep these amazing pictures comingReplyCancel

  • Megan

    Love this sweet baby. Really love the pics of her looking at the camera.ReplyCancel

the great salt lake

  We hadn’t been to the Great Salt Lake in a few years.  It’s such a fun place to take pictures! We headed out there one evening in May.  I couldn’t find the remote shutter for my camera, so my family portrait idea was out the window.  We took turns taking pictures. The shores of…

  • Great images! Beautiful sunset and those jumping and throwing shots are great!ReplyCancel

  • Wow! Gorgeous! Someday I would love to visit The Great Salt Lake, especially after seeing these!ReplyCancel

  • Looks like a ton of fun! What a beautiful sunset!ReplyCancel

dreamy baby

  I had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful family recently.  They wanted me to come take pictures of their new baby girl.  What a beauty. We all agreed that this photo melted our hearts the most. This little guy is the sweetest thing.  His sister was a perfect angel, but it’s usually the older…

  • What a sweet session! Big brother is adorable with the curls!ReplyCancel

  • Lonny

    You capture such pure honest moments. Beautiful shoot! Love the baby feet too 😉ReplyCancel


  Today I am thankful for: my siblings who made the trip to visit us in Salt Lake City family time in the baby pool the ice cream cake we get to share tonight to celebrate one of our many July birthdays! Summertime.  

1 comment
  • lonny

    Thankful thankful thankful for a week in SLC with the best photographer and family in town ReplyCancel