new baby


I am always honored when new parents invite me into their homes to photograph their new babies.  We might have a cup of coffee together, talking about lack of sleep, how to console the new baby, or feeding schedules.  During our visit, I take some pictures.

I didn’t know these two before they were pregnant, but it turns out we were all at the same concert eight years ago!  In a different state!  Small world.  (And crazy that we figured that out).

parents-baby-black-and-whiteparents-new-babyI couldn’t get over this little guy’s furrowed brow.  He was very serious about taking in his new surroundings.hello-worldThe front porch.  Welcome home, little wanted to incorporate his banjo into our shoot.  Why not put the baby right in it?  I’m sure the baby will love that shot when he grows enjoyed meeting this handsome new baby and spending time with his parents.  Thanks for inviting me over.

  • Omg. How sweet! I love lifestyle newborn sessions and these are great!ReplyCancel

  • Lonny

    So real, so pure, these make me melt! Gorgeous sessionReplyCancel