sibling love


It was such a pleasure meeting this new baby and his big sister.  She was excited to show him off.

big-sister-little-brotherbaby-on-bedI am usually hired by parents who want to capture pictures of their brand new addition.  It’s important not to forget about the toddler in the family.  She is the one with tons of personality and lots of items that add to her personal story.

One thing I learned on this particular day was that this little girl does not want to sleep in her bed.  She prefers her parents’ bed.  I lined up all the stuffed animals in her bed and tried to convince her that they really missed her and wanted her to sleep with them.  I found out later that day that she decided to take a nap with them.  Success!  (Not only do I take pictures, but I help you get your beds back.  ha!)

toddler-and-stuffed-animalsThen I put the whole family on the bed together.  It may go against what I was just talking about, but it’s the perfect place to show their connection with each other.  (And you already know I have a thing for feet).

family-on-bedbaby-and-familycozy-on-bedI am on a mission to get moms in front of the camera more often.  I know many of us don’t like having our picture taken, but it is so important.  This is part of the legacy you are leaving for the next generations.  The children will absolutely love these timeless photos as they get older!

mother-and-childrenThere is nothing like an upside down little girl to bring a little life to a family picture.

family-pictureBig sister and I became pretty good friends by the end of our time together, although last I heard, she was not sleeping in her own bed.   I tried!  Maybe I should just stick with photography.

  • Awww what sweet images of such a precious time! Beautiful work Idie!! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • nicole

    What an adorable family!! Great captures!ReplyCancel

  • What a cute family! Great pictures!ReplyCancel

  • Anna

    So sweet! Beautiful family!ReplyCancel

  • lonny

    The stuffed animal line up is the best, love that photo!!! The family foot photo is my favorite, love how you can watch those little feet grow! Greatness once again by an awesome photographer 😉ReplyCancel