thankful thursday – special 2014 edition


“Thankful Thursdays” are usually days that I highlight three things for which I am thankful, but today I am looking back on the entire year of 2014 and feeling grateful for all the fun we had.

I have shared some of my “one second everyday” videos before.  If you have heard me talk about this project, you know how much I love it!  Watching this video makes me so happy. We went on some great trips, spent lots of quality time with family, and enjoyed many dance sessions in the kitchen.  I see my little nieces growing and changing so much.  I see my old dogs hobbling around the house or yard.  I hear the songs that were family favorites at the time.  I hear my kids’ cute little voices.  If you spent time with me last year, you might just make a cameo appearance.  🙂

Let’s be honest.  How many of us wish we could document more of our every day lives?  I encourage you to take a short video every day, or at least one photo.  The One Second Everyday app makes it so easy!




  • Jessica Rini

    So cool. Love this!!❤️ReplyCancel

  • Lonny

    the girls have watched it once, I just watched it for the third time… Crying, LOVE this so much!
    So grateful for family, and the time we have spent with one another
    Love how much the kids adore AND love each other
    So grateful for all of our babies, such blessings
    Seeing Evie in this is such a transformation!
    Love this app, I need to blend my year… I need JA to help me

    Thanks for sharing this app a few years ago, such a great way to document these years that seem to fly byReplyCancel